Event Tickets

2022 CotY Awards and Evening of Excellence - Click here, then scroll down to view the sponsorship details

2022 CotY Awards and Evening of Excellence - Click here, then scroll down to view the sponsorship details

from $85.00
Dinner Ticket:
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Platinum Sponsorship Includes:

4 tickets to Evening of Excellence

Banner ad on the NARI Tampa Bay Website Home Page for 1 year

Name on entrance signage at Evening of Excellence

Name/Logo in video presentation

Listing with logo on all marketing materials for CotY/EOE

Public recognition at Evening of Excellence

Recognition in NARI Tampa Bay emails and on social media in February

Advertisement in the NARI Tampa Bay monthly newsletter

Bar Sponsorship Includes:

2 tickets to Evening of Excellence

Name/Logo on Bar Signage

Name on entrance signage at Evening of Excellence

Name/Logo in video presentation

Listing with logo on all marketing materials for CotY/EOE

Recognition in NARI Tampa Bay emails and on Social Media for February

Gold Sponsorship Includes:

2 tickets to Evening of Excellence

Name on entrance signage at Evening of Excellence

Name/Logo in video presentation

Listing with logo on all marketing materials for CotY/EOE

Recognition in NARI Tampa Bay emails and on our social media for February

Silver Sponsorship Includes:

Name/Logo in video presentation

Listing with logo on all marketing materials for CotY/EOE

Recognition in NARI Tampa Bay emails and on our social media for February

Special Dolphin Presentation Sponsor Includes:

Name/Logo in video presentation

Special public recognition at the event before the dolphin show