Contractor Referral Service Sign Up

 Interested in getting leads from NARI Tampa Bay?

Then sign up to be part of the contractor referral service!

Each day, consumers around the Tampa Bay Area visit looking for contractors or call us looking for contractors they can hire for their projects. If you are interested in receiving these leads, sign up for our contractor referral service and receive leads as they come in for the following project categories:

  • Kitchen Remodel

  • Bathroom Remodel

  • Whole House Remodel

  • Additions

  • Exterior Project (landscaping, pool enclosure, fence, etc..)

  • Commercial

  • Historical Remodel

  • Universal Design

  • Green Design

  • Trade Project (electrical, plumbing, drywall, painting, etc...)

Leads are distributed to contractors in the order they are received and no lead is given to more than one contractor. Leads are only given to contractors licensed to perform the work requested, thus a plumber would never receive a lead for electrical work, and vice versa. Where more than one contractor has signed up for a category, leads are distributed in order of sign up. Thus, if 3 contractors are registered for the kitchen remodel category, when a lead comes in, it will go to the first contractor in that category. The next lead will go to the second, and the next to the third, and so on. Use the order buttons below to register for your categories!

Contractor Referral Service - One Category
$25.00 every month
Contractor Referral Service - Three Categories
Sale Price: $50.00 every month Original Price: $75.00 every month
Contractor Referral Service - Five Categories
Sale Price: $75.00 every month Original Price: $125.00 every month