Membership Showcase Sponsorships

 NARI Tampa Bay Membership Showcase

This annual event is a great way to show NARI Tampa Bay members and affiliates your products and services, while enjoying all you can eat food, complimentary beer, and some great minor-league baseball! This event is packed every year as NARI Tampa Bay takes over the upper decks and suites at Spectrum Field, home to the Clearwater Threshers, one of the Philadelphia Phillies minor league team. Table Sponsors receive a table in the main concourse that they can use to interact with attendees and showcase their products and services. Suite/Bar sponsors also receive a table in the main concourse and receive additional signage throughout the suites and at the bar. All sponsorships include 2 tickets to the event. If you plan to have more than 2 people at your table, you will need to purchase extra tickets by clicking here.

2023 Membership Showcase Table Sponsorship
2023 Membership Showcase Bar/Suite Sponsor